Saturday, December 12, 2009

Turning Lebanese, I really think so.

(For those--assuming anyone reads this--who don't get the 80s cultural reference in the title of this post, be assured that it's Terribly Clever.

I coerced my spouse into making homemade pita and hummus, I took care of the carrot salad, the potato/olive salad, the tabbouleh, an apple/cranberry cobbler, and the eggplant salad.  Tomorrow the cheese pies, the orange salad, and a little rudimentary cleaning and we're good to go.  I loved cooking all this Lebanese/Turkish food!  You have to go very slowly and chop lots and lots and lots of herbs and vegetables very small.  There is a lot of lemon juice involved (not so hot if your hands are covered in cat scratches).  The results are beautiful looking, densely flavored, and will be just right for our little gathering tomorrow.  In a fit of nervousness about whether my rabbi friend's kids will be into Lebanese food at 11 in the morning, I purchased a Kosher chocolate babka and some raspberry rugelach just in case.  So... we will be convening with a largely Kosher-keeping group of friends to eat middle eastern food, amid our festive Christmas decorations.  I love New York.

Have spent a dazzlingly fun day with husband and son traipsing around Manhattan, doing a little shopping and a little noshing, just flowing with the crowds and feeling good.  I like the weekends before Christmas and after Christmas more than the day itself, actually.

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